Carnival is also celebrated in Galicia. Here, it is called O Entroido. But this is not just any carnival—it is an explosion of tradition, satire, and joy that takes over Galicia. From ancient masks to unique rituals, this festival offers an unforgettable experience. But what makes O Entroido so special? […]
The best time to visit Galicia depends on your preferences for weather and activities. Galicia is located in Spain’s northwest and has the fame of a rainy climate. Off course the fame is not complety truth. It can even get very hot in Galicia, and freezen cold. Therefore, planning your […]
Galicia has one national park and six natural parks. All these parks offer the most beautiful nature. From the beautiful coastline to the forestal inlands, nature is never far away when in Galicia. When visiting Galicia you can go to the natural parks to enjoy beautiful nature. Galicia has one […]
Guess what I discovered: Galicia has its own font! You might recognise the typeface. You see it often in Galicia. I immediately thought it was typical Galician when I saw the font. I stumbled upon the font by chance while researching for my article about the Galician language. And even […]
Quite confusing, isn’t it? Until 2002, there were three places in Europe that listened to the name Finisterre. Of course, firstly, we know the town of Finisterre in Galicia. Secondly, there’s also a region with the same name in France. Both places owe their name to their location, extremely westward […]
Galicia has Celtic roots. Many are probably familiar with ‘la gaita’, the bagpipe as a well-known expression of Celtic culture. The Celts have left their mark on Galician culture. In addition to the bagpipe, there are several hundred words in Gallego, the Galician language, with Celtic roots. The Galicians feel […]
In a novel I came accross the term ‘Feísmo’. Feísmo is the art of making things ugly, especially in Galicia. I had never heard of feísmo before, but those who speak Spanish and understand it refers to rural construction can probably immediately grasp the idea. It’s a concept that’s typical […]
Imagine suddenly finding yourself in a completely different environment. Your partner has been killed in an accident and turns out to have been a prominent marquis in his hometown, something you were unaware of. Distraught, you travel to his birthplace, where the accident occurred. This place turns out to be […]
The most controversial book about Galicia of this century. Its publication was delayed in Spain for some time by a former mayor who, as we read in the book, was corrupt. The book is now readily available, and what we read is astounding. What a story, it reads like an […]
Does location matter in a thriller? The tension may not depend completely on it. While the setting, whether it’s a forest, a cityscape, or anywhere else, can influence the narrative’s suspense, the geographical location itself might not. An exciting story can take place anywhere. Does that mean the location matters […]